Thursday, September 19, 2013

Drip Coffee

OK, so this post has nothing to do with coffee, but rather all about drip. I heard Seth Godin on an EntreLeadership podcast recently talking about the concept of drip. Seth has written over 5,000 blog posts; one post every day for the last 10 years or so. This is a monumental feat that has given him an amazing voice into the world of marketing. Most of his posts are just a few paragraphs, most of which probably took him only a few minutes to write and publish. I big part of his success has to do with his consistency over a long stretch of time, which he even admits. He has dripped his knowledge out to the world for the last 10 years, one blog post at a time.

The drip concept - doing small, even micro, activities on a very consistent basis for a long period of time to see huge shifts and outcomes. This idea has struck a chord with me. In a world where everything has to be done instantly, fast and in a huge way, the idea of drip goes against our cultural norms. 

Drip requires discipline
Drip requires long-term vision.
Drip requires deferred gratification.

I've been mulling over what it would look like if this drip philosophy infiltrated my world: my relationships, my work, my friends, my connection to God, etc. 

What would it look like to take 10 minutes every day and find a place of stillness for my soul? 
What would it look like if I wrote one thank you note to someone every day? 
What would it look like to call one customer every day to see how they are doing and how I can serve them better?
What would it look like to intentionally speak 3 words of affirmation to each person in my family every day?

I think that over a longer period of time I would see significant change in my own life and those around me, changes for the better. I think most change in anyone's life happens over years of time, not over days or weeks. For some reason I don't live with that in mind. I tend to think so short sightedly, only looking a few hours into the future. I think it might be time to start experimenting with different daily drips that will bring significant change to my life. 

Sorry Keurig, time to slow down a bit and embrace the process of brewing the coffee….




