Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sarah Adams

On Friday, December 6th, our dear friend Sarah Adams passed away, along with 2 other Young Life leaders, in a tragic automobile accident in Africa. We have been grieving and mourning her loss the last 3 days, and the pain is not subsiding. We spent the year with Sarah when we lived in Malawi in 2009-2010. She became like family to us and was a huge part of our time there.

Sarah was one of the most selfless loving people I have ever met. I don't know where she mustered up so much energy to serve and give back to others all of the time with such vigor. God's spirit was truly present in her life! She radically loved the people of Malawi, and everyone else that she met. In the end, she lost her life doing the thing that God called her to do and that which she was passionate about, loving and serving the youth of Malawi.

There is so much I could say about Sarah, but I found these two pictures of Sarah that really say so much. These are pictures of Sarah in the Phingo village in Malawi in 2009. She is at an orphan day care that provides food and education for young orphans.

This first picture is my favorite, for several reasons:

  1. As a white person and visitor to the village, she would not have been expected to serve anyone. In fact, she would been placed at a seat of honor. Of course, Sarah would never let that happen, she was there to serve. She is dishing out the meals for all of the orphans there that day.
  2. She has a baby strapped on her back! This is common to see among the Africans, but the African ladies would have loved seeing Sarah do this. She was always trying to fit into the culture there and do things the way Malawians did as a way to show respect and connect with them.

This picture taken at the same location after all the kids were served. Her smile says it all! She truly loved serving and being with these kids.

One day, when my young daughter is older, I will show her pictures and videos of Sarah and explain to her how well Sarah loved others and lived selflessly. I will challenge her to live her life with as much passion, energy, selflessness, and love for God as Sarah had.

Sarah, your legacy has only begun. Your life was well lived and an example to all of us on how to live selflessly and generously. We miss you dearly, but know that we will see you one day with the One whom you so passionately served.